#6 Language designed for a material world
Food for the Soul.. Throughout the history of mankind, there have been many names and titles given to ‘that greater something’ which many sense exists, but few have come to know. Trying to describe this greater’ something’ has not been easy and there have been...
#5 Separateness versus Oneness
Food for the Soul.. I believe that when we are first born into a ‘body’ as such, a part of us becomes separate from the source from which we came and a sense of ‘separateness’ envelopes us. There is an aspect of us that has left the comfort and oneness of the...
#4 Meaning of Life & One’s Purpose
Food for the Soul.. I’m just a piece of consciousness And nothings up to me I’ve learnt to drop my ‘Doer-ship’ And since, I’ve felt so free I feel, I move, I act upon As though I’m just a pawn And soon things bloom Like flowers do And something new is born. It...
#3 Material things
Food for the Soul.. Many of the first nations peoples understood the preciousness of this glorious planet that we are blessed to inhabit. Its stunning waterfalls, deep forests, great lakes, vast seas, proud mountains, sweeping planes, moving rivers, amazing wildlife...
#2 Dissatisfaction to Gratefulness
Food for the Soul.. We are starting to wake up to the fact that in our human behavior, we rarely seem to be satisfied with our lives. We work and focus our energy into getting something that we want because we are not satisfied with our lot and when we acquire...
#1 Human Evolution
Food for the Soul.. This is my first introductory newsletter. I extend a very warm and heart felt welcome to you. I have begun writing these newsletters to offer support and inspiration to anyone searching for greater meaning in their lives and to assist them in...