My name is Viviana Verheesen. I am an author, artist & poet.
From as young as eight years of age and continuing throughout my life, I experienced many events that simply didn’t fit into our understanding of normal everyday life.
Finding no one who could answer my questions, and having no one to turn to for support, I spent much of my life in quiet contemplation in order to figure things out. Spending much of my life in silence and solitude eventually led me to the amazing discovery that there are two worlds available to us.
There is the superficial world to which we wake every morning. And there is another, far richer, deeper and more magnificent world waiting to be discovered deep inside each of us, but few ever discover it.
It is in this ‘other’ world inside of us that we find our true nature, our own magnificence and our purpose in life.
My works are in service as sign posts to anyone who is interested in taking that greater journey ‘within’.
Those lucky enough to find their way ‘in’ experience a joy and peace that simply, cannot be put into words. It can only be ‘experienced’.
You will be amazed as to what can happen when you discover your true nature and come from the greater sanctuary ‘within’.
I hope that my website will be a place where those embarking on the greater journey can turn to for both support and inspiration.
It is my greatest wish that all those truly seeking to know themselves, find their way ‘in’….