My Book, titled ‘My Extraordinary Experiences’ is a documentation of events that I have continually experienced that simply can not be explained by our current belief system.
As each event presented itself, I was challenged to seek answers and understanding as to how these could possibly fit in with normal everyday life and everything that I have ever been taught about our existence, reality, and what it is to be human. What I had been taught, and what I was experiencing, just simply didn’t add up. These events include Outer Body Experiences, Near Death Experiences, Telepathy, Cognitive Dreaming and many other events that are yet to be explained by science.
My book not only imparts my extraordinary experiences, it also documents my thinking processes as I string together each piece of the greater jigsaw puzzle of life and concludes with my incredible discovery of just how multifaceted and amazing the human experience is. We are certainly far greater than what we think we are. I also discovered that there are two worlds. The superficial world that we wake up to in our everyday life and a deeper, far greater world beneath the surface.
I have always known that one day I would write a book. I just wasn’t sure as to what I would write about. The more these extraordinary events occurred, the more obvious it became as to what kind of book that would be. This is that book and I feel an incredible obligation to share these experiences and what I have learnt from them. My book ‘My Extraordinary Experiences’ will inspire a powerful shift in perception as you discover just how equally amazing, unique, and important you are, in the greater scheme of things.
“My Extraordinary Experiences” is also available in both paperback [ISBN: 978-1-5043-0424-5 (sc)] and ebook [ISBN: 978-1-5043-0424-2 (e)] through the following websites:
- Booktopia.com.au
- Amazon.com (kindle)
- Amazon.com (paperback)
- Balboapress.com.au
- Barnes & Noble book stores-America
- Order through Collins book stores – Australia
- Globally through bookshops using Ingram Int. Distributors.

‘Pics, Portals & Poetry’ is filled with photographs accompanied by poems. All of which are designed as ‘Portals’ to assist you on the greater journey ‘within’.
These poems entice contemplation into the deeper parts of ourselves and are signposts to help us along the path to self discovery.
‘Pics, Portals & Poetry’ is inspirational and uplifting.
Not only is this book a wonderful contribution to your own life in the search for deeper meaning, it is also a lovely and well presented book to offer anyone who might be wanting to read something uplifting.
‘Pics Portals & Poetry’ can be offered to anyone as a unique and special kind of gift.
Pink Powderpuffs
I’m just a piece of consciousness
And nothings up to me
I’ve learnt to drop my ‘Doer-ship’
And since, I’ve felt so free
I feel, I move, I act upon
As though I’m just a pawn
And soon things bloom, like flowers do
And something new is born
Published August 2019.