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Food for the Soul..

Many of the first nations peoples understood the preciousness of this glorious planet that we are blessed to inhabit. Its stunning waterfalls, deep forests, great lakes, vast seas, proud mountains, sweeping planes, moving rivers, amazing wildlife and exquisite flora are all here for us to appreciate, enjoy, and be thankful for. 

When I see a wooden table, I think of the tree that stood tall and synchronized with our breathing. What we breathed out, the tree breathed in and what the tree breathed out, we breathed in. The deeper that you travel into your own depth, the more that you will understand that all things are interconnected. Including us.

The more that you understand your connection to all things, the more that you are able to value all that you have and live in gratitude.

All of our material possessions have been of a cost to this beautiful planet in some way. Whether it is a fork, a bed, a chair, a hat, or anything else for that matter, appreciate how it came to be and know that there is more to its’ story than just being a ‘thing’ as each ‘thing’ has had its own journey into ‘becoming’. Make it a game to play with your children if you have any.. ‘Who can tell me the life journey of a pencil?’

This practice of appreciation is another signpost to assist you in moving towards discovering the greater pathway into your own depth and into discovering your own connectedness to all things on a much deeper level. The more that you practice appreciation for all that you have, the greater your awareness will become to all that you are.

…Mother Earth…

Dear Mother Earth,

Your beauty astounds me beyond my capacity to express, 

I am in awe, of all of your wonders,

You feed us, you clothe us, you give all of yourself to us,

How can I ever thank you, for what you give?

You are there at my feet, supporting me, as I step through this life,

I close my eyes and breathe softly, in gratitude, as I rest upon you,

I honor you, I love you, I thank you…


With loving Kindness

Viviana Verheesen