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Food for the Soul..

I’m just a piece of consciousness

And nothings up to me 

I’ve learnt to drop my ‘Doer-ship’

And since, I’ve felt so free


I feel, I move, I act upon

As though I’m just a pawn

And soon things bloom

Like flowers do

And something new is born.

It wasn’t until 60 years of age that I started to answer an inner call that had been silently nagging me since my youth, I published my ‘unusual life experiences’ and my life really began to take shape. I had finally realised my purpose. Looking back, I can see that the signs were always there, but instead of recognizing my purpose, I spent most of my life ‘conforming’ and trying to ‘fit in’ with what society expected of me.

From the day we are born, we are labeled with a name, a family whom we ‘belong’ to, a place where we live, the school that we attend, the groups that we become members of, the political party that we choose to vote for and so forth… all of which were not really the making of our own choices but rather choices delivered to us by both the geographical place of our birth and the influences of the people around us who were also previously influenced by those around them in the same way.

Had we been born in a different country, to a different people with different beliefs, we ourselves would be different in how we behave and think today. So the question you have to ask yourself is how much of ‘who you are now’, is really ‘who you are’ and how much of ‘who you are now’ has just been programmed into you by others?

Who then, are you really? Why are you here? What is your purpose? Are all of those beliefs that you have, really you? Is that who you are?

I can tell you that they are not who you are.  They are simply your conditioning; what you have been trained to be. You are far greater than you can ever possibly imagine but you can only find out the truth of that by going deeper into yourself underneath all of that conditioning.

In order to break free into self-discovery, you need to surrender the person that you think you have become and free yourself of the social expectations that you are carrying. By holding on to the belief that the ‘conditioned’ you is truly who you are, you block yourself from finding the greater ‘real’ you that is waiting to be brought to the surface.

When you start to see and understand that ‘who you think you are’ is just a fabrication of what you have been subjected to, you may begin to question your existence on a deeper level. I suggest that you contemplate further on ‘who you are’ and how much of your thinking actually came from yourself and how much was influenced by your immediate environment? Keep an open mind and contemplate this.

I discovered that there are two levels of existence. There is the superficial level of existence that we wake up to every morning but there is also another, deeper level of existence available to us. When you tap into that deeper level, you find a peace and tranquility that cannot simply be described by words. It can only be experienced. The deeper that you go into that other level, the closer you come to discovering and knowing your own true nature and finding the greater magnificence inside of you that is just waiting to surface.

I believe that the purpose of our existence is to uncover our own true nature. It is the journey to ‘Knowing thyself’. To discover the ‘real’ you and getting rid of the ‘unreal’ ‘conditioned’ you. 

Ask yourself; Who am I? Which of my beliefs are my own?

Look at this honestly and seriously. Where did my beliefs really come from?

Contemplate upon this.

If you contemplate enough, you will come to realise that throughout all of your life you have been influenced by the thoughts and ideas from an external world and influences outside of yourself.

It is not who you are and it does not represent your true nature.

We have a choice. We can continue to live who we are ‘not’ to a great extent, or we can choose to dig deep into our own true nature and discovering the truth of that which we are.

I believe that that is the free choice given to us, and that it is the purpose of our lives to know ourselves and to bring our true selves out into the world.

With loving Kindness

Viviana Verheesen