Food for the Soul..
Throughout the history of mankind, there have been many names and titles given to ‘that greater something’ which many sense exists, but few have come to know. Trying to describe this greater’ something’ has not been easy and there have been many titles and terminologies given in an attempt to name ‘that’ which we can sense but is too difficult to describe.
There have been many attempts to put a label to this, such as; The Great Spirit, The Great Mystery, Source, The Rainbow Serpent, The Godhead, The Great ‘I am’. Spirit in the Sky, Buddha nature, God, The Concealed Mystery, The Self Realised, The Great Light, and the list goes on… and on… ever changing through time as the human race evolves and continues to try to find a suitable name.
Labels may differ depending on where you were born and have been imprinted in our minds over many years leaving many impressions, pictures, ideas, and imaginings throughout our conditioned existence and no two people will ever have exactly the same image, idea or imprint of what these really represent.
The one thing that all of these terms seem to sum up is the existence of an invisible force, far greater than our selves that we can sometimes sense but cannot see.
Language was designed largely for the physical, material world. Designed for the things that we experience through our five bodily senses. There is very limited language specifically designed for senses that fall outside of the five bodily senses. This makes it virtually impossible to accurately share and put into words any experiences that one may have, beyond the physical ones.
This can create confusion. Those who try to describe their deeper experiences to those who have not experienced them, have to choose from words mostly designed for the material realm and accurate, descriptive words for these deeper experiences are hard to find, hence there will be many different versions and explanations given for similar experiences and some even seem contradictory. This is simply because language in this instance is very lacking.
This therefore can make it difficult for anyone trying to read or study in order to gain understanding and learn at an intellectual level, the depths that can be found in the greater, non material existence of that which we are.
What is important to understand is that it may be of assistance to read or study, but no matter how much you read, it can never give you the experience of the greater self that all the readings are pointing you to. If you truly want to discover your greater self beyond the limitations of your physical garment and the story that you are carrying around about who you are, then you must free yourself of your external conditioning through the practice of being still.. being silent.. diving into the depths of yourself into your own true nature which is far greater than the story of who you think you are. There is far more to you than that story.
One way to discover your greater self is to sit in a comfortable, alert, upright position and focus on your breath. Follow it in and follow it out again. This acts as a tool to use in order to stop you from ‘latching on’ to any thinking that arises which is trying to take over your mind. You can not discover your deeper self while your thoughts are in charge. Silent meditation helps you break free of the constant thinking process. This ‘constant thinking’ is often refered to as ‘mental noise’. In order to discover the greater you that is waiting to be discovered, you need to stop the ‘mental noise’ which is the barrier that you need to break through. By breaking through the barrier or the ‘veil’, your greater self can surface and become known to you. You will be amazed as to what can happen when you come from your true nature.
It will be difficult at first and dedication is needed in order to succeed. I believe that it is the purpose of our existance to discover our own true nature beneath the surface of our human existence and that there is no greater journey than this. I believe it will be the greatest journey of your life.
Sitting still might sound effortless but ‘Meditation’ is not easy in the beginning and I recommend that you join a dedicated ‘Silent Meditation Group’ that can offer support and encouragement as you choose to both commit and dedicate yourself to this practice into self discovery.
With loving Kindness
Viviana Verheesen